all postcodes in CB6 / ELY

find any address or company within the CB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB6 3AA 19 0 52.401904 0.252571
CB6 3AB 23 0 52.402822 0.25253
CB6 3AD 47 0 52.403497 0.249697
CB6 3AE 10 0 52.404175 0.246674
CB6 3AG 14 0 52.403598 0.251908
CB6 3AH 38 1 52.404478 0.251996
CB6 3AJ 66 0 52.405087 0.25166
CB6 3AL 53 0 52.40209 0.24942
CB6 3AN 23 0 52.401501 0.25158
CB6 3AP 16 0 52.401018 0.250953
CB6 3AQ 48 0 52.404181 0.251085
CB6 3AR 16 0 52.400497 0.250441
CB6 3AS 7 0 52.399889 0.25216
CB6 3AT 30 0 52.400144 0.25057
CB6 3AU 29 0 52.404632 0.253357
CB6 3AW 19 0 52.40095 0.252611
CB6 3AX 17 0 52.400123 0.248835
CB6 3AY 31 1 52.399193 0.253741
CB6 3AZ 8 0 52.398819 0.256383
CB6 3BA 12 0 52.403686 0.252485